Top 10k strings from Reform (19xx)(Chezron Software).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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3 23637+256* 1 us have altered our Tasword in 1 tas32.5 1 so many ways anything further 1 may conflict so I have put the 1 deliner 1 d*"DISCVIEW" 1 d*"CONTENTS" 1 confirmation nor is the option visible on the menu. So many of 1 bare minimum and leave it to youto modify further if you wish.": 1 ROAD,BIRSTALL 1 REFORM 1 RASE ALL BUT 1 O,O ;" 1 LOUGHBOROUGH 1 It can only re-format around a 1 D*"REFORM": 1 D*"REFORM" 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 60<00*00002 1 23638-148": 1 23638-0080": 1 23638-0054": 1 '''"ADDITIONAL NOTE:The simple BASICline suggested to call the GOSUBat 9932 does not ask for any 1 "A:REFORM" 1 "23608",O: 1 ""REFORMING"":GOSUB 9932:GO TO 1 1 third of maximum document size 1 so keep below 100 lines. 1 remaining line in your Tasword 2 BASIC then add a line like:- 1 re-formats a Tasword 2 1 file from 64 column to 32.Just press E and 1 (which ends up twice as big!) 1 AUTOCHARS PLUS ! 1